I struggle with sleeping, no two ways about it. So I really do try everything to get a decent nights sleep and I think a big part of this is to have a routine in place. I've mentioned a bit about my routine in this post but this will include other aspects that I haven't mentioned before!
(I adore this bedding but wow it is hard to make it look good in pictures!)
I know how bad this is, but I really struggle with a set bed time. I normally end up getting ready for bed around 11 and then don't end up in bed until 12 as I just get distracted! Anyway, first things first is skincare.
I'm sure you all know by now how much I love my Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish. Honestly my holy grail product! I will always try and use this to remove my makeup and cleanse my face well but sometimes I am a bit lazy and will just use a makeup wipe. My favourite are the Simple ones.

I also have this Botanics cleanser that I use if I have used a makeup wipe as I find that gets off anything else left from the makeup wipe. From the same brand I have the serum as well. I've never really used a serum before so I can't compare it to any others but it does the job for me and I'm really enjoying using it.

Finally, moisturiser. I use the Liz Earle one which I absolutely love. I also use it in the mornings as well before I put on my makeup. Although it is a bit pricier, I definitely recommend it if you're currently looking for a new moisturiser.
So once all my skincare is done, I get into my PJs and straight into my bed. No surprises, but I end up sitting on my phone for ages before I end up gong to sleep.
As well as a routine before bed I believe that a good mattress is very important to help you get a good nights sleep. That is where Leesa comes in. I am currently lucky enough that I do have a good mattress at the moment as my room was re done just over a year ago and I got a new mattress. However, Leesa do some of the best mattresses I have seen and at reasonable prices, win win. I am actually a bit sad I didn't know about them when I was looking last year! Anyway, they know how important a mattress is for a good nights sleep. This mattress is one I really love the sound of. It has 3 different layers, one being a memory foam which I'm sure is very nice! The reviews on the website too speak for themselves!
I would definitely recommend this company if you are wanting a new mattress and there is also £100 off with a code that is advertised on the website. What more could you want!
I hope you all enjoyed this first post back from me!
What is your current bedtime beauty routine? What do you think of these mattresses?